Melissa R. Poore, ND
Doctor of Naturopathy, Certified Emotion and Body Code Practitioner
I am a mother to 4 amazing young adults! My youngest child, my only son (my hero), slowly regressed after receiving his 18-month childhood vaccines resulting in a diagnosis of autism. This event set me on a path over these past two decades of research. Prior to this life altering event, I had already earned my undergrad degree (BS) in "Health Science" and also worked as a Registered Radiologic Technologist & Registered Computed Tomography (CT) Technologist prior to having had my 4 children.
A few years after my son's regression I earned a master's degree in Special Education (non-licensure) with a Certificate in "Autism" and a Certificate in Applied Behavioral Analysis. Continuing my search for answers and solutions to help improve my son's health, I continued gaining knowledge with reflex integration with different modalities, that included becoming a Core Specialist In-Training Level 2 in MNRI®, then venturing over into Reflex Integration with the "QRI" low-light laser reflex integration, becoming a Certified QRI Laser Specialist to assist in integrating primary reflex patterns. Both these modalities led me to learning through the 4 levels in Touch for Health (TFH), and I then became a TFH Level 4 Facilitator.
This introduced to me to the amazing journey of releasing trapped emotions with the "Emotion Code" and continuing on to the more in-depth study of "Body Code" to correct/release imbalances. I utilized both Emotion Code and Body Code for several years.
Meanwhile, I began my study and later became a Doctor of Naturopathy after finishing my course work and dissertation as well as my "Case Studies" to earn my "ND" in March of 2021. Mid 2021, I decided to pursue becoming a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. Once I earned this certification, I was then able to begin and completed my training to become a Certified Body Code Practitioner in early 2022.
In early June of 2022 I learned of the Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) and felt led by our Creator that this was yet another and possibly the one thing necessary to add to my "tools" for healing and helping not only my son, by many more at any given time. Had it not been for my son's regression, I would not be the woman, and "Being" I am today. I have my son, Brock, to thank for this amazing journey in this life!

Brooke Nicole Troutman
Master Reiki Practitioner, Master Herbalist, Tarot Card Reader, B.S. in Psychology
After graduating from Indiana University of Kokomo in May 2020 with her Bachelor of Science in Psychology, she continued her education with earning her Certification as a Master Herbalist two years later.
She then attained the 2nd Degree in Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing and is a Reiki Practitioner, helping others energetically heal. As an intuitive, Brooke also offers Tarot Card Readings for those who are looking for guidance or affirmation in their journey.
Our Story
The “Abundance Living Ministries” came to fruition because it is EXACTLY what I have been called to do on my own journey...live life in abundance! My world/life perspective was changed over 2 decades ago when my youngest child, my only son, regressed after his 18 month childhood vaccines. Due to having an undergrad degree in “Health Science” as well as being a Certified Radiologic Technologist/CT Technologist, the allopathic mindset was engrained deeply in me, and I believed I was doing exactly as I was suppose to do for my four children’s best health interest. However, I was abruptly awakened to the realities of what health really is about after this life-changing event! Therefore, the mission of Abundance Living Ministries is not only to assist as many as possible to feel and be empowered to take charge of their own health, but also to educate as many as possible through the importance of proper nutrition, detoxification as well as the bioscalar energy enhancement therapy.
*“Scaler therapy has been proven scientifically to promote longevity, prevent aging by entraining the physiology to gain self-referral regenerative healing functions.” - Dr. L. Botchis PhD, IA
*“Scalar fields have a potential for increasing energy and reversing aging. They increase the connection between that universal energy which is limitless, without time and space, and your awareness of it, to use it in order to manifest whatever you want to manifest, whether it’s health, wealth, or happiness.”
—Dr. Victor A. Marcial-Vega, M.D., John Hopkins Research Physician, Oncology
Abundance Living Ministries is located in Lapel, IN
We are looking forward to hearing from you and the opportunity to work with you. Let's connect.
(765) 534-3564
Located in Lapel, Indiana